I have doves named Jack and Lily, we have had them for about 5 years. during this time they have had 8 babies. We gave 3 of them away and we kept the other 4, one died about 2 years ago, so now we had 5 at our house. Lily lays 2 eggs about every 3 weeks and I usually switch them out with the unfertilized eggs that my other female dove have lain. They are in separate cages from Jack. I guessed I missed the fertilized egg because Saturday I am petting Lily and I see a broken little egg and find this little one. They are so fragile and small I love them so much. Jack and Lily have never minded that we handle the baby or them. They are very social and sweet birds. Pats not so thrilled.
In this picture Cedar is holding him at one day old and then Mckenna and Keely are holding him at 3 days, they grow really fast. It only takes 18 days for the egg to be lain and then to hatch it is amazing.
How cute! It's so tiny and amazing and adorable! Love the pics!
Ooooohhhh' this makes me smile! It takes me back to the days when we were neighbors and makes me miss you SO MUCH! I wold love to get Spirit a mate, but he isn't too thrilled with the idea. Remember, we tried once, and he was mean. You must have had them longer than 5 years, cause Spirit just turned 5, and he wasn't even their first baby???
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