We were so lucky to get to share our day with so many beautiful, loving, fun, and wonderful friends! Thank you all so much, the kids had such a fun day with all the food, games and the spook alleys. I love you all and feel so lucky that your are part of our lives.
Thursday morning we all got up and headed out to do a 5K fun run/walk. Oakley and Pat ran it and ended up finishing 96th Oakley and 97th Pat. They did a great job and I walked with Cedar and Keely we came in 277, 278, 279. We had a blast and is was so cold to start but was really nice once you start moving. The girls from the coffee shop did the walk too and we all warmed up with yummy coffee afterward.
I have been playing around with some of our pictures and this one just needed to be posted. This little one is so amazing in her pics. She really loves to dress up and pose. I am so amazed at her sweet, beautiful, absolutely precious little self, I love you Cedar!
This is the cutest little pilgrim, I don't think they drank much Tully's Coffee back then.
Our leaf raking tradition. We are so happy Grandpa and Grandma have such huge trees that fill up the yard.
Each morning of Halloween week, the kids and I stopped by to get coffee before work/school and took pics at the drive thru. It was so much fun seeing everyone each day, I love all these girls and they sure make our life more entertaining and so much more fun!
Lovely November weather...the kids shoveled the snow so they could ride the scooters around the driveway. I guess its a nice way to get the driveway cleaned off. The dogs and I are watching from the warm bedroom window.
Oakley got a few hours of paintball battles with a group of world cup paintball players out at PASS. He had a blast, the people were so fun and they loved having him play, he ended up with a few welts, and got to hit a couple of the pros, so he was thrilled.
here are the amazing pumpkins the kids carved. What fun this was, but so weird because I didn't have to do any of the work this year, the kids had a blast and turned out with some awesome jack-0-lanterns.
Thursday we tried for some good old cheap fun, we bought 3 block ice cubes and hit the hills. Kind of hard to get your balance on the cube, (especially my butt on that little bit of ice!) but we got it figured out and ended up flying down the hill, it was so so fun!
You can't beat an ice cold beer on the ice cold desert, burrrrr..... Dad and Mom were getting ready to head to warmer ground, so dad shut the gold mining business down for the winter. This is a wonderful 20 mile per hour drive back into town. We had a super fun day and it was fun going so slow and talking and watching scenery go slowly by.
Maddie and Cedar being weird as usual, these two love each other so much it is such a wonderful time anytime they are together.
I was so proud of Oakley today, the University held a Kid's Triatholon today and Oakley and Brayden thought it would be a fun thing to try. It included 200 yards swimming, a 3-4 mile bike ride and then a mile run. Oakley completed it in about 25 min. and Brayden beat him at about 20 min. Oakley said the swimming was the worst part of it. All of the kids recieved a medal and a T-shirt and is was a great event, something I think they might try to work on for next year. I loved that even though they were so tired they kept on trucking and I could surely see they are both pretty competitive kids. Great Job, boys!!
This is the thing you gotta love about rides. Cedar and Keely were doing great and then they got in line for the Zipper. As they were waiting a boy close to 10 or 11 got off the ride and was crying and very upset, it didn't faze these guys they thought it would be awesome. Obviously, it didn't turn out so good, they both got off the ride bawling and scared. It was hard not to laugh, you can see Jeff was really being sympathetic. They recovered pretty quick but I don't think they will try that one again.
bye, bye, to summer.
Snake River Coffee Baristas!
Now on to the Blackfoot Fair, we really haven't been good supporters of the fair while the kids were younger because it was to much money and we felt it wasn't worth it. So this year we went ahead and bought the wristband for the rides and they had a BLAST! We spent about 6 hours there and ate yummy corn on the cob and other healthy goody's ( yeah right!) and the kids rode and rode and rode. I am so happy we went and it really brought back alot of fun memories of me being a kid and loving all those rides, now days I felt sick just watchin the ride so I could try and get pictures, pretty sad but I did feel a bit sick watching them go around and around.
Here is a pic of the little pug, I can't remember her name and I feel terrible, I hope she doesn't read this.
So here we are back at another Chukars game, third one over the Labor Day weekend. It was the last home game so they had alot of prizes and activities for the kids. This game was the most exciting of the three, with some homerun hits and better score.
This is our friend Steph, the girls from the coffee shop planned her a party and we had everyone over here to roast hot dogs, vegi dogs, chips and dip, beer and margaritas, it was such a beautiful night and the fire was wonderful. The best thing was the birthday girl and all of the people celebrating at our house.
Here we are over Labor Day Weekend, we ended up with free tickets to the Chukers Baseball game on that Friday night. (they are the Idaho Falls Semi-Pro team) We drove up all excited and we are stuck on the freeway for 35 min because of an accident, and that with all the labor day traffic it was crazy. Finally at the stadium and they cancel the game because of a sprinkler problem and the field is a bit of a lake. So they moved the game to Saturday and it will be a double header, so here we are the next day watching two 7 inning games. It was a wonderful day and nice to be there together. Oakley and Kaden ended up with 7 game balls and got a ton of autograph from the team. Pretty cool.
The Adams family, got a few new members of the family, this is Pugsly (sp) she is so sweet and so little. This pic is so funny. I can see how much she really loves Steve (ha, ha). Then Nancy's parents got a pug at the same time and they are so cute together and I am sure will be causing alot of trouble for all of these guys. Good luck guys!